We found a deeply personal poem written by Peter, bemoaning the burden of being huge. If you thought you could unveil his psychology through his stories, this poem will be like opening his calvarium and staring directly at his brain.
The Obscenity
Come with me, I'll show you why
Too much of a good thing can make you cry
Like a horse caught in a bear trap
It isn't you who'll do the crying
For you'll refuse me
Once the flesh that so enticed you
Sees the light of night
First one button, then the next
Should lead to glorious sex
Not screams of fear
And shouts of doubt
That end with you simply walking out
Leaving me turgid and exposed
with my obscenity in my hand
I don't wish it to shrink
Despite what you think
I want my frame to grow to match it
And live among giants
Who find my obscenity average or small
And who have no problem at all
Accommodating me to the root
So I may plant the seeds of passion
Deep where they belong
Not cast aside like a mustard seed
That lands on my stone chest
With its heavy heart
Obscenity is man's invention
Crafted by the envious who crave the attention
That I cannot avoid
At the party the men gaze longingly
And force their way so they can see
The flesh that causes terror
And they know they've made an error
Like a mouse that takes the cheese
But they can give it back
Before the trap can snap
Then leave the cheese to mourn
Its deadly enticement