We had a nice blog on WordPress Free edition, then the website got migrated – twice, and we lost our followers. The good news is that this website is back on the much simpler WordPress platform again, and it’s a paid site, so you won’t be seeing any of those annoying ads!
Since my last blog post, so many Peter Schutes paperbacks and eBooks have made it onto the shelves of avid pulp fiction readers. It’s our mission to keep homosexual history alive through the re-creation of the pulp paperback experience. To do this, we write and publish original stories. They are written by humans with bodies, not an AI. They’re not regurgitated stories stolen from the pages of pulps gone by. They’re bonafide. To keep them in the historic vein, we’ve removed all references to mod cons like computers, cell phones, faxes, etc. We don’t call the phone a land-line. We spell it “come” not “cum” depending on when the story is set. It’s the real deal.
So don’t hesitate – step right up and get your spicy hardcore erotica. Links below.